The board of directors China Nonferrous Mining Corporation Limited announced appointment of Mr. Dayong YANG ("Mr. Yang") as a joint company secretary of the Company in relation to Mr. Yang's eligibility to act as a Joint Company Secretary on the conditions that: (i) Mr. Yang would be assisted by Ms. Man Yi WONG ("Ms. Wong"), currently the other Joint Company Secretary who possesses the requisite qualifications and experience of a company secretary. Mr. Yang is a vice president of the Company who joined the Company's senior management on 6 July 2019 and is in charge of planning coordination and project management. He was appointed as the chief compliance officer of the Company on 1 April 2020. Mr. Yang commenced his career at the former Ministry of Foreign Trade . From September 2012 to January 2019, Mr. Yang served as the deputy director of the strategic planning department (previously known as "strategic research office") of CNMC, a controlling shareholder of the Company. The Board also announces that Ms. Wong has tendered her resignation as an authorised representative of the Company (the "Authorised Representative") under Rule 3.05 of the Listing Rules with effect from 27 April 2020. Ms. Wong has confirmed that she has no disagreement with the Board and there is no matter in relation to her resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company. The Board announced that Mr. Yang has been appointed as an Authorised Representative on 27 April 2020.