ChromaDex shared results from a newly published clinical study, as reported in the peer-reviewed journal Cell Reports, demonstrating that supplementation with nicotinamide riboside (NR), one of the most efficient and superior NAD+ precursors, reduced inflammation in both healthy subjects and in cells derived from psoriasis patients. The clinical trial was part of the ChromaDex External Research Program (CERP??), which donated ChromaDex's patented nicotinamide riboside(NR) ingredient, Niagen, for the advancement of this research. Summary of peer-reviewed, published NR studies demonstrating an anti-inflammatory effect in humans.

NICOTINAMIDE RIBOSIDE only Publication Dose/duration Study Population Key Results. Elhassan et al., 2019 1,000 mg/day for 21 days Marginally overweight, but otherwise healthy NR reduced levels of circulating inflammatory older adult men cytokines IL-6, IL-5, IL-2, and TNF-a. Zhou et al., 2020 1,000 mg/day for 5-9 days Hospitalized patients with stage D heart NR reduced gene expression of NLRP3 and failure undergoing advanced heart failure inflammatory cytokines (IL-1B, IL-6, and IL-18) therapy evaluations. Remie et al., 2020 1, million mg/day for 6 weeks Healthy overweight and obese men and NR resulted in a significant trend toward a postmenopausal women reduction in plasma IL-1a levels.

Wu et al., 2022 1,000 mg/day For one week Young healthy subjects and patients with NR reduced relative mRNA expressions of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) inflammatory cytokines IFN-b and CXCL10 Brakedal et al., 2022 1, million mg/dayfor 4 weeks Newly diagnosed dopaminergic therapy-naive NR reduced levels of inflammatory cytokines in Parkinson's disease patients the serum: VEGF and GDF15, as well as in cerebrospinal fluid: G-CSF, IL-7, IL-1RA, CCL4 Wang et al., 2022 2,000 mg/day for 12 weeks Stage C heart failure with reduced ejection NR reduced expression of NLRP3 and resulted in fraction patients and age-matched healthy directionally similar, though nonsign significant, subjects changes in expression of other inflammatory markers (IL-1B,IL-18, and TNF-a) HMA Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) CMA decreased levels of inflammatory cytokines patients CD-8A.