D-Wave Quantum Inc. launched a new open-source demonstration highlighting how its Advantage? annealing quantum computing system can be used to tackle wireless channel decoding. The demo, available now in the Leap?

real-time quantum cloud service, identifies solutions for increasing transmission capacity for wireless and cellular networks using coordinated multipoint decoding. This new application demonstrates how D-Wave?s annealing quantum processing unit (QPU) can improve transmission performance (reduced transmission errors), particularly in dense urban areas characterized by high noise (low signal-to-noise ratios) and load (large numbers of cellphones per base station). This example is the latest of D-Wave?s demonstrations of the practical applicability of its quantum and quantum-classical hybrid solutions.

Recently, D-Wave announced work with LG U+, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Qunova Computing to propel the development of a 6G low-earth-orbit satellite network, through connectivity of ground-to-satellite links (SGLs) and inter-satellite-links (ISLs). Other telecom-related applications that can benefit from D-Wave?s quantum technologies include: employee scheduling for workforce resource management, network design and expansion planning, call center routing, scheduling and routing of service vehicles, and more.