FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) - In the wake of Deutsche Bank's analyst conference held in the morning, the share price rose sharply in the early afternoon on Thursday. It reached its highest level since the beginning of 2018 and overcame the 16 euro mark. Most recently, the share price was up 7.2 percent at 16.52 euros.

Analysts unanimously praised the bank's strong performance in investment banking. Looking at the balance sheet, income was higher and costs and loan loss provisions were lower than expected, wrote analyst Krishnendra Dubey from Barclays. The expert had subsequently forecast share price gains.

Cost-cutting efforts and bubbling earnings in the capital market business have brought Deutsche Bank a billion-euro profit at the start of the year. At the same time, Germany's largest financial institution is preparing for further setbacks in the commercial real estate market and as a result of the IT breakdowns at Postbank. However, the management assumes that these burdens will decrease over the course of the year./bek/stk