Business description: DowDuPont Inc.

DuPont de Nemours, Inc. specializes in the manufacture and marketing of specialty chemicals. The group provides copolymers, polyethylene, chloroform, fluorine, hydrofluoric acid, copper, hydroxylamine, precious metals, alumina hydroxide, ammonia, benzene, polyester fibers, propylene, wood pulp, acids, alcohols, chlorite, aldehydes, ethylene oxide, etc.

Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: the United States (32.4%), Asia/Pacific (43%), Europe/Middle East/Africa (18.3%), Latin America (4%) and Canada (2.3%).

Sales by Activity: DowDuPont Inc.

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

Water & Protection

5.2B 4.99B 5.55B 5.96B 5.63B

Electronics & Industrial

- - 5.55B 5.92B 5.34B

Mobility & Materials

- - 5.04B - -


1.73B 1.34B - - -

Transportation & Industrial

4.95B 4.19B - - -

Corporate & other

- - 502M 1.14B 1.1B

Nutrition & Biosciences

6.08B 6.06B - - -

Electronics & Imaging

3.55B 3.81B - - -
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: DowDuPont Inc.

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

United States

6.69B 6.07B 4.32B 4.07B 3.91B

Other Asia Pacific

- 4.56B 4.14B 3.28B 2.98B

China/Hong Kong

- 3.67B 3.96B 2.74B 2.21B

Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)

5.03B 4.57B 3.32B 2.19B 2.2B

Latin America

1.25B 1.12B 602M 443M 489M


434M 403M 311M 293M 271M


3.3B - - - -

Asia Pacific

4.82B - - - -
See all geographic segments

Managers: DowDuPont Inc.

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 50 2024-05-31
Director of Finance/CFO 49 2024-05-31
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - 2016-12-31
Chief Operating Officer 57 2017-12-31
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 63 2019-05-31
See DOWDUPONT INC. governance

Members of the board: DowDuPont Inc.

Manager TitleAgeSince
Chairman 69 2019-05-31
Director/Board Member 73 2019-05-31
Director/Board Member 63 2019-05-31
Director/Board Member 58 2019-05-31
Director/Board Member 60 2019-05-31
Director/Board Member 56 2019-05-31
Director/Board Member 54 2019-05-31
Director/Board Member 53 2019-05-31
Director/Board Member 58 2019-10-08
Director/Board Member 50 2024-06-26
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: DowDuPont Inc.

Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co.
11.06 %
46,243,205 11.06 % 3 551 M $
BlackRock Advisors LLC
5.872 %
24,542,477 5.872 % 1 885 M $
16,983,109 4.063 % 1 304 M $
MFS Investment Management Canada Ltd.
3.906 %
16,324,500 3.906 % 1 254 M $
Geode Capital Management LLC
2.381 %
9,952,115 2.381 % 764 M $
List of DOWDUPONT INC. shareholders

Company details: DowDuPont Inc.

DuPont de Nemours, Inc.

Building 730 974 Centre Road

19805, Wilmington

+302 295 5783
address DowDuPont Inc.

Group companies: DowDuPont Inc.

NameCategory and Sector
Industrial Specialties
Chemicals: Specialty
DuPont SP Services SARL
Chemicals: Specialty
Agricultural Commodities/Milling
See all subsidiaries

Diversified Chemicals

Add to a list
Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
+1.87%+3.84%-20.00%+25.35% 61.59B
-0.19%+5.79%+5.82%-30.82% 43.86B
-0.09%-3.13%+7.41%+15.23% 16.65B
-2.01%-0.43%+20.50%-19.17% 11.43B
-0.85%-2.96%+25.08%+10.66% 9.74B
+0.11%+2.80%-22.63%-20.49% 9.18B
-0.05%-1.86%-4.80%-12.45% 9.01B
-1.50%+7.19%-4.78% - 8.76B
+2.01%-0.30%-9.84%-9.25% 7.12B
Average -0.08%-0.13%-0.36%-5.12% 19.7B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.43%-0.68%-4.16%-0.11%
See all sector performances