Sustainable Produce Urban Delivery Inc. announced the launch of Canada’s first fresh food delivery platform facility, Food-X. The 74,000 square-foot warehouse facility utilizes proprietary technology to provide sustainable home food delivery for local and national grocery retailers. The launch of the platform introduces an e-commerce grocery delivery solution that can be leveraged globally. First-of-its-kind technology developed by SPUD’s in-house team includes Rapid Pack Algorithm that decreases packing time along with wasted space in packed orders, picking software that uses AI to deliver instructions to warehouse packers, and proprietary delivery route optimization software that utilizes real-time data with an end goal of lowering retailers’ overall carbon footprint. These technologies enable Food-X to deliver fresh food for their retail customers across Metro Vancouver faster, more sustainably and with less plastic. Similar technology-based solutions have helped SPUD lower their food waste to 0.5%, the lowest of any grocery store in Canada.