The board of directors of Frontier Services Group Limited announced that Mr. Zhang Yichen ("Mr. Zhang") and Mr. Fei Yiping ("Mr. Fei") have been appointed as non-executive Directors with effect from 24 March 2020. The Board announced that Mr. Hu Qinggang ("Mr. Hu") has resigned as an executive Director with effect from 24 March 2020. Mr. Zhang is the chairman and the chief executive officer of CITIC Capital Holdings Limited, a global alternative investment management and advisory company. Mr. Fei, aged 56, is a director and the chief financial officer of CITIC Pacific Limited ("CITIC Pacific", a wholly-owned subsidiary of CITIC Limited). He is also the deputy general manager of financial control department of CITIC Limited, a director and the chief financial officer of CITIC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited, a vice chairman and president of CITIC Pacific China Holdings Limited, a director and general manager of Rainbow Wisdom Investments Limited (a subsidiary of CITIC Group Corporation ("CITIC Group")), a non-executive director of CITIC Telecom Holdings Limited.