Global Mofy Metaverse Limited announced its strategic decision to officially adopt OpenUSD as the standard for digital asset development. The adoption and utilization of this open and dynamic ecosystem for describing, composing, simulating, and collaborating within 3D environments is endorsed by industry leaders worldwide, including NVIDIA, Meta, Autodesk, and others. This strategic transition to OpenUSD is expected to significantly enhance operational efficiencies and open new revenue streams, positioning the Company for increased profitability in the evolving digital marketplace.

Universal Scene Description (USD) offers numerous advantages across various industries engaged in 3D digital asset creation, including licensing, digital entertainment, the metaverse, and visual effects (VFX) production. Initially created by Pixar Animation Studio, OpenUSD expedites workflows, team collaborations, and project development by enhancing interoperability across various content tools, data formats, workflows, and platforms. It is utilized for crafting digital assets and environments, particularly for the creation of large-scale, AI-enabled virtual worlds, or for developing the tools necessary to bring these innovative worlds into existence. By standardizing on OpenUSD as a common foundation for scene representation and interchange, companies can streamline their production processes, reduce development overhead, and deliver higher-quality results more efficiently.

Extensive benefits include: Interoperability: OpenUSD provides a standardized format for representing 3D scene data, making it easier for different software tools and applications to exchange data seamlessly. By standardizing on OpenUSD, companies can ensure compatibility between various parts of their 3D graphics pipeline, including modeling software, animation tools, rendering engines, and simulation platforms. Performance: OpenUSD is designed for high-performance data interchange, using a combination of binary and text formats optimized for efficiency and speed. By standardizing on OpenUSD, companies can achieve faster data loading, manipulation, and processing, which can be crucial for real-time or interactive applications such as game engines, virtual reality (VR) experiences, and simulation environments.

Flexibility: OpenUSD provides a flexible and extensible framework for representing complex scene data, including geometry, animation, shading, and metadata. Companies can customize and extend OpenUSD to suit their specific needs and requirements, incorporating proprietary data formats, custom attributes, and specialized functionality as necessary. Industry Adoption: OpenUSD has gained widespread adoption as an industry-standard format for scene description and interchange, particularly in the animation, visual effects, and 3D graphics industries.

By standardizing on OpenUSD, companies can ensure compatibility with existing workflows, pipelines, and tools used by their customers, partners, and suppliers.