Hemp Inc. announced a multipronged strategic restructuring to its sales and marketing division that will create a more robust, profitable business model. The Company needs to ensure it has a system in place to support the growing sales and demand for its expanding King of Hemp® product line. The three-pronged strategic restructure includes an aggressive influencer-based marketing campaign; Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system through HubSpot; and, an increased digital footprint through search engine optimization (SEO).

Hemp Inc. will begin revealing the engagements of influential people and collaborations with other industry leading organizations this week to heighten the market's understanding of how hemp derived products have a huge impact on their well-being. The influencer marketing campaign prong of the restructure will be deployed over the next few weeks. The goal is to heavily focus on the utilization of influencers and advertising on social media platforms. This will be a comprehensive, carefully curated influencer strategy that will reach key audiences and create solid brand awareness for King of Hemp®.

Thus, developing an authentic partnership with influencers who have powerful voices is key. As a leader in the industrial hemp industry, Hemp Inc. still maintains a deep-rooted social and environmental mission at its core so connecting with powerful influencers will be seamless. According to a Company executive, influencer marketing leverages the relationships between brands and people with large captive audiences, where an influencer typically promotes a brand's products or services through various social media outlets.

The influencers will be trusted figures in the CBD/CBG hemp community, have a loyal following and knowledge and experience with King of Hemp® products. In order for Hemp Inc. to reach its target audience faster than ever, the Company elected to pursue an influencer-based marketing strategy across multiple platforms as part of its sales and marketing strategic restructuring.