Hemp Inc. delivered its reformulated CBD/CBG “super” tincture that includes 7,500mg of CBD and 2,500mg of CBG. During a time of global despair, uncertainty and rising prices, people are longing for a sense of wellbeing and sanity to make sense of it all so this product could not have come at a better time. The proprietary formulation uses a compound that binds to CBD/CBG to increase bioavailability… far better than simply adding MCT oil.

According to Perlowin, the process takes an extra 3 days during the manufacturing process and is definitely time well spent because the end product makes “complete customer satisfaction” an understatement. The three flavors for the CBD/CBG “super” tincture include plain (or natural), vanilla, and cherry. The flavors are so robust and tantalizing that they make even the most discerning palates dance with delight.

The premium CBD/CBG “super” tincture blend promotes enhanced mood and clarity with regenerative capabilities. It has been independently tested by a third-party lab and manufactured in the USA at Hemp Inc.'s manufacturing facility in Nevada. Not to mention, the CBD/CBG “super” tincture is 100% sustainably sourced, offers premium vegan grade, gluten-free and is non-psychoactive.

It contains 0% THC with proven compliant testing for microbials, heavy metals, pesticides, and dangerous chemicals. Simply clean and green.