Hexaware Technologies Limited is seeking opportunities for acquisitions. In an interview with TechCircle, Srikrishna Ramakarthikeyan, Chief Executive Officer of Hexaware Technologies ?shares his views on using digital technologies for growing its business, besides outlining the company's strategy for emerging technologies like generative artificial intelligence, and plans for future growth and acquisitions. While we have not been aggressive on acquisitions in the past, we are currently actively seeking opportunities for acquisitions.

We have only made one acquisition in the last nine years since I joined the company. Currently, we are focused on three domains: software engineering, data analytics, and cloud. Our acquisitions will align with these areas.

We have a significant amount of funds available for acquisitions, approximately half a billion dollars, and you can expect to hear about some acquisitions by Hexaware in the next couple of months. We are actively seeking deals, both mid-sized and large deals, ranging from $25 million to $200 million in revenue?.