FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Jenoptik shares gained 6.58 percent to 22.02 euros at the top of the MDax on Monday following a recommendation by investment house Stifel. After the price stabilization of the past trading days, they thus set out on a recovery. A week ago, the share price had slumped to 19.96 euros, its lowest level in a year.

Stifel analyst Adrian Pehl has now lowered the price target from 32 to 30 euros, but sees sufficient scope for a buy recommendation after the price slide of recent months. Accordingly, he upgraded the shares from "Hold" to "Buy". Ahead of the company's Capital Markets Day and the publication of its third-quarter financials, there is a good entry opportunity, the expert said. The third quarter of the year should be more or less a copy of the second: there will be no collapse in orders and no profit warning for 2023./mis/men