THE EDUCATION secretary has suggested that City hiring managers who have warned of recruitment issues need to look outside of the capital to address a lack of staff.

Gillian Keegan, who attended a roundtable with JP Morgan apprentices in Canary Wharf to mark National Apprenticeships Week, said if there were "more routes people knew about" the industry could create a broader talent pool.

"There's many people all over the country who'd love to work in financial services, but maybe they don't see those businesses," she said.

"They're not familiar with them.

They're not on their doorstep. They don't know anyone who works in them."

An Efinanciers survey found financial services hiring managers' confidence was at a "concerning" level, with more than 80 per cent of the 465 respondents saying the recruiting landscape was challenging.

Keegan stressed the role of firms such as JP Morgan, which has offices in Glasgow and Bournemouth, in contributing to efforts to level up the UK.

(c) 2024 City A.M., source Newspaper