Kyoto Tool Co., Ltd. introduced nepros-ID, a revolutionary line of IoT-ready tools poised to transform tool management in the aerospace and MRO industries. This innovation will debut at MRO Americas in Chicago this April. IoT for FOD Prevention: nepros-ID tools are conceived from the drawing board as part of active FOD prevention strategies.

They feature IoT tool control technology embedded at the point of manufacturing. Craftmanship and Innovation in Tools since 1950: nepros-ID integrates advanced RF-technology pioneered by Xerafy, a leading manufacturer of industrial RFID tags, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of tool management. This integration signifies the convergence of KTC's storied legacy of excellence in tool manufacturing and Xerafy's innovative RF technologies, bringing 'Connected Tools' to the market to redefine industry benchmarks.

Complete Tool Sets for MRO: The comprehensive range of hand tools allows for the assembly of complete tool sets suited to Aerospace, Aviation MRO, Nuclear, Railway, automotive and manufacturing industries. sockets account for up to 30% of tool inventory in aerospace and represent a significant challenge in inventory and FOD prevention. The nepros-ID sockets offer a solution to this long-standing industry problem.

IoT Tool Control: It also ensures compliance with industry regulations while reducing tool loss and improving operational efficiency. Its superior capabilities surpass traditional methods like barcodes, offering unmatched tool searching and detection, durability, long-range reading, and bulk scanning functionalities. nepros-ID can seamlessly integrate with users' existing tool management systems, providing scalability and ease of use for businesses.

Cost-effective and promising significant return on investment, nepros-ID emerges as a strategic asset for enterprises seeking to optimize tool management processes. In unveiling nepros-ID, KTC reaffirms its commitment to driving innovation and excellence, setting new benchmarks for Automated Tool Control solutions for MRO. The nepros-ID tools are currently in use at MRO facilities in the US and Asia.

The tools are available for pre-order from May, 2024.