Liquid Avatar Technologies Inc. announced that it has partnered with D.A.R.E. America, a 503(c)(3) US corporation, to create the D.A.R.E. Digital Program. This new initiative will provide products and services ranging from digital identity verification and credentials to digital avatars, NFTs, and mixed reality opportunities (including Metaverse programs) to more than 1.2 million students in the United States annually, their families, and over 10,000 communities across the U.S., along with 29 other countries worldwide. As part of its contribution to the program, Liquid Avatar Technologies' controlled subsidiary, Aftermath Islands Metaverse, will provide 30,000 plots of virtual land to D.A.R.E., its local communities, and students as part of the program to introduce them to the Metaverse.

Liquid Avatar Technologies, and its subsidiaries are creating initiatives that will support the introduction, awareness and engagement between brands and communities in the Metaverse while supporting D.A.R.E. D.A.R.E.'s Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program is the most comprehensive drug prevention curriculum in the world and is currently being taught by over 6,000 trained law enforcement officers, in thousands of schools in America and abroad. In its almost 40-year history, D.A.R.E. has been a recognized community brand for students and families alike, with almost 200 million students having beentaught D.A.R.E.'s scientifically based and proven effective curricula by local law enforcement officers at some point in their early education. D.A.R.E. continues to reach students, their families, and communities in the post-pandemic era with positive in-class and remote education.

Liquid Avatar Technologies and its subsidiaries, Oasis Digital Studios and Aftermath Islands Metaverse, have already begun initiatives with D.A.R.E. for D.A.R.E. Digital to develop and deploy new mixed reality and engagement programs, to be funded by brand partners, that will deliver value and entertainment to students and their families, while creating ROI for brands and providing the majority of program revenues in support of D.A.R.E. initiatives. As the project continues and more students, family members and communities join, Aftermath Islands Metaverse plans to add more virtual land to continue to support the program. These programs include: the development and ongoing support of digital identity solutions for students andtheir families; the creation of a free D.A.R.E. Digital Backpack to support the collection of brand and value- based NFTs and other digital collectibles; virtual brand programs in combination with the LQID Card and Liquid Shopz to create ROI for local, regional, national, and international brand supporters; and D.A.R.E. Islands, a virtual Metaverse environment on Aftermath Islands for students, their families, and other D.A.R.E. program participants to engage in a safe, secure online environment for learning, playing, gaming, and entertainment activities.

While Liquid Shopz already has over 600 online North American brands supporting its programs, the Company welcomes other local, regional, and national participation. Brands and other interested parties are invited to inquire about the opportunity to participate in the D.A.R.E. Digital program.