Composition of Audit & Controls Committee: Mr. Sanjay Kawatra is added to Audit & Controls committee in place of Mr. Anwar Hilal Al Jabri. The revised Committee membership will be Mohammed Taqi Ibrahim as Chairman and Mohammed Ali Said Al Qassabi and Sanjay Kawatra as Member. Separation of Investment Committee and the Nomina:ionr Remuneration and Executive committee: The existing Nomination, Remuneration, Investment and Executive committee (NRICC) has been reconstituted into two separate Committees viz. In vestment Committee (1?) and the Nomination, Remuneration and Executive committee (NREC). The Composition of the Investment Committee will be Abdul ?ziz Mohammed Ahmed Al Balusiu, Al Sayyid Zaki Hilal Saud Al Busaidi, Anwar Hilal Hamdoon Al Jabri as Member. Khalid Muhammad AlZubair as Chairman, Abdul Aziz Mohammed Ahmed Al Balushi, Savyid Zaki Hilal Saud Al Busáid and Sanjay Kawatra as Member.