FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The one-day strike by flying personnel at Lufthansa subsidiary Discover Airlines has ended. This was announced early Saturday morning by the pilots' union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) and the cabin crew union Ufo. The participation of the cockpit and cabin crews was overwhelming; a number of flights were either not carried out as planned or not at all, Ufo announced. The two unions had started the strike on Friday night.

The comparatively small vacation airline with 24 aircraft was unable to fly ten connections on behalf of its parent company Lufthansa in Munich and had to cancel four of 14 planned departures in Frankfurt. According to Discover, the remaining flights were offered by Discover itself or by partner airlines. The connections from Munich were flown by Lufthansa itself.

The collective bargaining dispute concerns the first collective agreements in the vacation airline, which was founded two and a half years ago and is intended to operate more cost-effectively than the Lufthansa core brand and compete with vacation airlines such as Condor. The company announced that it would raise pilots' salaries on a voluntary basis "in the near future", as it had already done in the cabin with retroactive effect from September 2023.

VC collective bargaining director Marcel Grols said after the strike that the workforce was absolutely determined. "As long as there is no offer that we believe is negotiable, we will have to keep up the pressure." Ufo negotiator Harry Jaeger described "this first strike action" as a complete success. "The cabin understands what it is worth and this realization will slowly seep through to the management."/hme/DP/jha