MEDIROM Healthcare Technologies Inc. reported sales results for the month ended November 2022. For the month, the number of salons was 312 in November 2022, down from 316 in the year-ago period. Total customers served increased to 65,724 in November 2022 from 65,569 in the year-ago period.

The increase is primarily attributed to the increase in the number of salons with available financial and customer data. Sales per customer increased to JPY 6,717 in November 2022 from JPY 6,466 in November 2021. The increase is primarily attributed to the upselling of value-added optional services.

Repeat ratio, a measure of repeat customers, increased to 82.6% in November 2022 from 81.9% in the year-ago period. Operation ratio increased to 48.8% in November 2022 from 47.7% in the year-ago period. The increase is primarily attributed to the adjustment of staffing according to salon scale.