Modelon AB (publ) announced its partnership with Toyota Tsusho Systems (TTS) to distribute Modelon Impact, Modelon's cloud-based system simulation and modeling platform, in Japan. This partnership leverages Toyota Tsusho Systems' private cloud infrastructure, consulting services, and
Modelon Impact's cloud capabilities to provide enterprise-level productivity in system simulation for Japanese engineering and technology companies. Some of the challenges companies face in taking full advantage of system simulation are heightened barriers to entry. Often, it can be difficult to determine how to leverage system simulation efficiently to solve business challenges. Additionally, many system simulation tools on the market are limited in collaboration capabilities and ways in which engineering teams can extract meaningful insights to share across their organization. The partnership between Modelon and Toyota Tsusho Systems lowers the above barriers to entry and keeps the customer's requirements, concerns, and need for innovation in mind. Modelon Impact' browser- based interface, multiple cloud service offerings, increased security, and local language support, this partnership will help customers move forward to a cloud solution with confidence. Engineering and technology companies based in Japan can take advantage of these benefits by contacting Toyota Tsusho Systems. Toyota Tsusho Systems will recommend a cloud service type and system
simulation approach based on the customer's requirements.