Mon courtier énergie groupe announced the enhancement of its offering in Spain with the launch of three levels of service offerings aimed at meeting the diversified needs of its clients in terms of energy management. Three levels of service for optimized energy management: Mon courtier énergie introduces an innovative service offering, subdivided into three distinct levels (Initial, Premium, and Full) designed to meet the specific needs of each company in managing its energy budget. Each of these levels is carefully crafted to offer a scalable range of solutions, including analysis of supplier offers, market studies, complete and secure supplier relationship management, optimization of transportation rates, and accurate price monitoring.

The most comprehensive service package, for example, allows for the generation of detailed monthly consumption reports and personalized analyses, as well as real-time energy consumption control. This innovative and gradual approach ensures an increasingly optimized management of energy consumption suited to all the requirements of Mon courtier énergie?s clients. Expansion of the sales team for increased presence: Last January, Mon courtier énergie strengthened its sales team in Spain with three new recruits and plans two additional hires by summer.

Already present in 5 geographic areas (Madrid, Barcelona, Galicia, Extremadura, and Andalusia), the Group aims to cover the main regions of Spain during the 2024 fiscal year, by recruiting 10 new independent partners. A fast-growing customer portfolio: Since its establishment in Spain a year ago, Mon courtier énergie has surpassed the milestone of 1,000 B2B clients, contributing to the development of its reputation in the Spanish market. This rapid and controlled growth underlines Mon courtier énergie's ability to effectively meet the companies?

constantly evolving needs in energy management.