Nickel Mines Limited announced that first Nickel Pig Iron production from its 80% owned Angel Nickel Project within the Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park is now expected in the first quarter of 2022, well ahead of the October 2022 contractual delivery date for the commencement of commissioning. The revised commissioning timetable is expected to see the first of four ANI RKEF lines commissioning in March 2022 with the other three RKEF lines to be commissioned progressively over the following 60 to 90 days, resulting in all four RKEF lines producing NPI by June 2022. The ANI power plant is scheduled to commence commissioning by the end of September 2022, ahead of the October 2022 contractual delivery date, with the ANI project utilising power from the existing IWIP electricity grid in the interim. During this period NPI production from ANI's RKEF lines will run at less than 100% of the 36,000 tonnes of nickel metal production nameplate capacity per annum depending on power availability. Full NPI production capacity is expected to be achieved around one month after the commissioning of the ANI power plant. As with the Company's existing HNI and RNI projects, ANI will require the issuance of an Industrial Business Licence (Izin Usaha Industri) to commence commercial sales of NPI. Any NPI produced ahead of the IUI issuance will be stockpiled however it is presently anticipated ANI's IUI will be in place to allow first commercial sales to be recorded in second quarter of 2022.