Symantec has announced the opening of a new Customer Management Centre (CMC) to provide a world-class experience for its customers across Europe, Middle East and Africa. Symantec will make it easier for customers and partners to interact with the company by bringing together a multi-function, centralized customer centre for sales and support with a focus on helping small businesses, governments and enterprise organizations. The new centre will provide a Europe-wide sales and support function to provide customers and partners with a single place to call, making it easier for them to reach Symantec and solve their important challenges.

The CMC is also responsible for delivering an enhanced partner support function, demonstrating Symantec's continued commitment to developing improved collaboration with its channel. Through the establishment of the Customer Management Centre, Symantec created up to 200 new job opportunities in 2013 and will continue to fill the CMC with a highly skilled, multilingual team to play a central role in achieving Symantec's mission of protecting and managing customers' information.