Norwegian Block Exchange AS has partnered with ACE Asset Management AS to develop and maintain a market making function for futures and derivatives of BTC and ETH on NBX's platform. The collaboration brings together two industry-leading firms within the Nordic region and highlights the growth potential of digital assets. The market making service developed by ACE will provide NBX with continuous liquidity, tighter spreads, and deeper order books, creating a more stable and secure trading environment for its customers.

The partnership will bring several benefits for NBX, including: Increased Trading Volume: ACE's market making service will increase liquidity and create a more attractive trading environment, thereby increasing trading volume and attracting more traders to the NBX platform. Diversified Revenue Streams: With access to highly liquid markets, NBX can now offer its customers a wider range of trading opportunities, thereby diversifying its revenue streams. Enhanced Platform Performance: ACE's expertise in market making will help NBX optimize its trading systems, improve user experience, and better compete with leading exchanges, thereby generating higher revenue through commissions and fees.