Orbia Advance Corporation, S.A.B. de C.V. is looking for M&A. Sameer Bharadwaj Chief Executive Officer said during the Third Quarter 2023 Earnings Conference Call, "On your second question on M&A. At this point, our goal is to maintain a strong balance sheet. Focus on improving the performance of our businesses, while we're going through this weak market environment period and generating cash and conserving cash. Now M&A, it will have to be a very high bar.

There have to be very significant synergies, there has to be significant growth potential. And we don't want to overpay for an acquisition. And so while we will be selectively looking at M&A, the bar for M&A will be incredibly high.

And typically, we'll be looking at smaller M&A projects that potentially address the gap in our portfolio that help us strengthen our channels to market and get closer to customers or address gaps in technology in our portfolio".