Orgenesis Inc. has signed a collaboration agreement with SCTbio. The goal of the collaboration is to open new point-of-care (POCare) sites within the Czech Republic and leverage SCTbio's GMP facility for the production of lentivirus vectors to support Morgenesis LLC ' POCare worldwide customers, including use in CAR-T cell and gene therapies (CGTs). Orgenesis' POCare Platform, including its Orgenesis Mobile Processing Units and Labs (OMPULs), overcomes conventional processing challenges by enabling high-quality standards and sterile, scalable onsite processing of CGTs, near local hospitals and treatment facilities.

The POCare centers and OMPULs are designed to shorten the implementation time of new production, while offering a more cost-effective environment and enabling local scalability. Lentiviral vectors are part of the family of retroviral vectors and are a fundamental component of the cell therapy manufacturing process, ensuring the delivery of the therapeutic genes into the patient's cells. SCTbio brings expertise in retroviral vector GMP production with a deep knowledge of manufacturing technologies and quality control (QC) methods.