Plantable Health Inc. announced it has entered into a new distribution agreement with CookUnity, to distribute Plantable's fresh meals across the East Coast, with future expansion to the rest of the United States. This agreement represents a significant milestone for Plantable. CookUnity is the first chef-to-eater meal subscription platform that currently reaches 50,000 active members, delivering more than 1 million meals per month.

Under this new partnership, Plantable meals are expected to be available on the CookUnity platform commencing Fourth Quarter 2022, and will launch with a dedicated Reboot /wellness program as well as the ability to buy individual Plantable meals. Plantable meals are designed to deliver all of the enjoyment of a healthy, chef-prepared meal, eliminating the time needed to think, shop, chop and cook. Plantable meals are crafted to be delicious, while keeping blood sugar stable for all day energy and to provide satiety.

Meals are anti-inflammatory, made with no-added sugar or highly processed ingredients, low in added salt and are whole food, plant-based, filled with natural fiber to improve the microbiome as well as improve the common metabolic markers associated with good health. When combined with the Plantable coaching system, the Reboot program facilitates weight loss as well as the reversal of common chronic conditions, linked to diet.