S&D Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A260970) announces a share repurchase program. Under the program, the company will repurchase up to 1,166,666 shares, representing 28.74% of its issued share capital, for KRW 35,000 million. The shares will be repurchased at a price of KRW 30,000 per share.

The purpose of the program is enhancing shareholder value through retirement of treasury stock. In the event that the number of shares submitted for tender offer exceeds the maximum number of shares scheduled for purchase of 1,166,666 shares, only 1,166,666 shares will be purchased in proportion to each other. The program will expire on April 15, 2024.

As of March 22, 2024, the company had 4,059,420 shares issued and no shares in treasury within scope available for dividend and had no shares in treasury through other repurchase.