Sage Potash Corp. announced its ongoing partnership with RESPEC LLC. Beginning in January 2022, RESPEC was engaged by Sage Potash to reinitiate engineering preparations to include the planning, design and execution of a Phase 1 Drill Hole Program and the preparation of a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) toward the development of a pilot potash production facility.

RESPEC will also be completing the corresponding permit applications for the Sage Plains project. RESPEC Phase One Program consists of a step-out geological hole, the Sage 1 Well, located 700m from the Johnson 1 Well, that could double as a cavern development test well. A water brine supply well and a disposal well will be completed as part of the program.

With these results, RESPEC will continue with the preparation of a PEA technical report for the Sage Plain Potash project (the "project") located near the town of Monticello, Utah in the Paradox Basin - potentially the largest undeveloped potash deposit in the United States.