Sonasoft Corp. has filed an important new patent application in a key area of AI. This invention solves one of the hardest problems in AI. Namely, how to cope when user training data is noisy, limited, or unpredictable. This approach lies at the heart of NuGene, Sonasoft’s AI bot engine, which helps companies put AI at the heart of their business processes. Sonasoft’s invention relates to convolutional neural networks or CNNs. CNNs are the artificial brains that drive computer vision systems. They also power deep learning, where computers are able to learn to outperform humans. CNNs are based on the structures found in the human brain. Like a human child, a CNN has to learn from the data provided to it. Unfortunately, they only work well when there are large amounts of consistent training data. However, if that training data is sparse or noisy, they stop performing.