1137708 B.C. Ltd. entered into an agreement to acquire Eleven critical metals properties in Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories from Strategic Metals Ltd. (TSXV:SMD) on January 9, 2023. As per terms of propertyápurchase agreement, 1137708 B.C. Ltd. willáacquireáa 100% interest in all eleven properties by issuing commonásharesáto Strategic equal to 19.9% of the issued and outstanding commonásharesáat the time and will (i) retain 1% net smelter royalty return interest in future commercial production, excepting silver, from any or all of the properties, which is not subject to a buy-back option or similar rights; and (ii) hold the right to participate in any or all of the first three post-listing equity financings carried out by 1137708 B.C. Ltd., for the purpose of maintaining Strategic's post-listing interest in 1137708 B.C. Ltd.. 1137708 B.C. Ltd. willácompleteáa listing on a Canadian stock exchange andáwill closeáa concurrentáCAD 1.7 millionáequity financing.

1137708 B.C. Ltd. is required toácompleteáits listing on or before June 1, 2023.