Superloop Limited announced that its Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Luke Oxenham, has resigned effective immediately. The Company has commenced a search for his replacement. The Company has appointed Mr. Dean Tognella as its acting Chief Financial Officer following Mr. Oxenham's resignation.

Mr. Tognella is currently Superloop's Group Executive Business & Wholesale, responsible for sales and delivery at Superloop for these segments. Mr. Tognella is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, having been a Member since January 1992 and was previously a Fellow of the Securities Institute. With experience in Internal Audit, Audit, Transaction Support and Corporate Finance over more than 10 years with KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers and experience also in Corporate Development, Planning and Commercial roles, Mr. Tognella holds an MBA (Exec) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and a Bachelor of Business from Swinburne University of Technology.

Mr. Tognella's role as Group Executive Business & Wholesale is being undertaken by Ms Daisey Stampfer, Superloop's Group Executive Strategy & Transformation, also on an acting basis. A permanent appointment to the role of Chief Financial Officer will be announced in due course.