Suzhou Nanomicro Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688690) and Suzhou Niuerli Xincheng Equity Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) signed share transfer agreement to acquire a 56% stake in Zhejiang Fuli Analytical Instruments Corp. from Huang Licai, Guo Tingfu, Lin Renfang and Wenling Juxing Investment Consulting Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) for approximately CNY 220 million on June 6, 2023. The offer price is CNY 8 cash per share. Pursuant to this transaction, Suzhou Nanomicro Technology will acquire a 44.80% stake in Zhejiang Fuli Analytical Instruments and Suzhou Niuerli Xincheng Equity an 11.20% stake.

Zhejiang Fuli Analytical had total assets of CNY 210.22 million, net assets of CNY 114.85 million, revenue of CNY 167.17 million, operating profit of CNY 33.92 million and net profit of CNY 30.42 million, as of December 31, 2022. On June 6, 2023, the 24th session of Suzhou Nanomicro’s 2nd directorate approved the transaction.