Tekna Holding ASA announced the appointment of Espen Schie as new CFO. Mr. Schie brings long-term financial management experience and comes from the role as Vice President of Finance & Controlling at Arendals Fossekompani ASA, Tekna's largest shareholder. Over the past years Mr. Schie has already collaborated on various projects with Tekna and comes with a good understanding of its operations. He has held several different roles at Arendals Fossekompani ASA, was previously CFO at EFD Induction Group and holds a double master's degree in finance from Nova School of Business and Economics (Portugal) and Fundação
Getulio Vargas São Paulo School of Economics (Brazil). Espen Schie will succeed Serge Blackburn, who will retire at the end of 2023. Mr. Schie will be based at the company's headquarters in Sherbrooke and will be responsible for overseeing the company's financial strategy, reporting and compliance. He will be a key member of the leadership team, working closely with the CEO and other senior executives. He will take up his new role as of 18 of January 2023.