Tiger Logistics (India) Limited informed stakeholders about the recent signing of an exclusive agreement with OneNDF, a product of Devick Biz Solutions Pvt. Ltd. for Cargo Value Financing through digital platform "FreightJar". This strategic collaboration holds numerous promising advantages for company esteemed customers, particularly SME exporters, as company remain dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions to enhance and optimize global supply chain operations.

OneNDF Contract Benefits: Enhanced Access to Working Capital: mpower company valued SME Exporters with enhanced access to working capital, elevating their ability to efficiently manage cash flows and liberating them from the constraints of capital in their global supply chain operations. One NDF Contract Benefits: Enhanced Access of Working Capital: Emower company valued SME ExPORters with enhanced access to working Capital, elevating their ability to efficient manage cash flows and liberating themfrom the constraints of capital in their Global supply chain operations. OneN DF Contract Benefits: Enhanced Access to working capital: Emower company valued SM E Exporters with enhanced access of working capital, elevating their able to efficiently manage cash flows and empowering them from the constraints of capital In their global supply chain operations.

This association offers lending options from multiple banks, allowing them to secure capital at highly favorable and low-interest rates. Streamlined Processes and Rapid Eligibility Checks: Process Automation & Fast Eligibility Checklist empowers company to process customer requests in just 24 hours. Reduced Financial Dependence on Buyers: Making early payments will enhance financial independence from the buyer.

Accelerated Inventory Cycles: By improving cash flows, customers can enhance inventory cycles and achieve faster turnover.