Solar360 and Turbo Energy are entering the new year with a disruptive proposition in the solar photovoltaic self-consumption sector. In an industry that has experienced exponential growth worldwide in recent years, both companies aim to maximize user savings and provide energy when it is needed, not just when the sun is shining. The companies are embarking on a strategic alliance in which Turbo Energy, serving as a technology provider, and Solar360, acting as an energy services promoter, will install intelligent batteries produced by Turbo Energy in homes, commercial areas, and industries across the country.

Solar360 has already launched the Turbo Energy product called Sunbox. It is an all-in-one device, combining an inverter, battery, and software, capable of managing and storing photovoltaic energy through a digital platform equipped with Artificial Intelligence algorithms that maximize energy savings and provide personalized performance for the user. The innovative product marketed by Solar360 achieves significant savings compared to conventional installations, thanks to an intelligent energy storage system capable of real-time analysis of thousands of data points related to consumption habits, photovoltaic generation, weather conditions, and applied electricity rates.

Artificial Intelligence processes this vast amount of data to optimize energy usage, translating it into savings for the consumer. The proposal includes a user-friendly mobile application that allows for the customization of the device's operation. For example, it can deliver energy when the user consumes more power than their contracted electricity company provides.

Solar360 complements its service with a photovoltaic production guarantee. In their commitment to their customers' savings, if the installation generates less energy than estimated in the offer, the company will compensate for the difference during the first year or throughout the amortization period if the customer chooses maintenance.