Venus Remedies Ltd. has launched its R&D drug, Elores, in the $1.4-billion pharmaceutical market in Oman. Clinically proven to be one of the best drugs against ICU infections caused by multjdrug-resistant extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) and metallo beta lactamase (MBL)- producing gram negative bacteria, Elores is effective against bacterial strains resistant to the last-resort carbapenem class of antibiotics. An outcome of more than 15 years of in-house R&D, Elores is Venus Remedies' answer to the global health threat posed by antimicrobial resistance.

Its clinical trial study, completed to very high standards, was the first antibiotic study from India to get listed on the US clinical trial web portal. The antibacterial market in Oman is worth USD 7.5 million,and Elores is looking to capture 0.5% of this segment by year 2025. Having received a tremendous response from the medical fraternity across the globe, Elores Has a unique profile of action, which prevents both the growth and spread of drug-resistant genes from one bacterial species to another, thus giving it an edge over all the existing therapies aimed at treating drug-resistant bacterial infections.

While currently available ICU drugs are rapidly developing resistance, clinical studies of Elores on more than 1,000 patients have shown that it has resulted in more than 30 per cent reduction in treatment time and about 50% reduction in the cost of treatment. Elores has been recognised as the best innovation by a team of experts from Stan ford Business School, US, lc2 Institute at University of Texas, Austin, US and Lockheed Martin Foundation in collaboration with the Union Department of Science and Technology under the lndo-US joint science and technology innovation programme. It has also been selected among the top eight technologies to be commercialized in the USA.

Elores has also bagged the coveted UBM India Pharma Award in the Excellence in Product Development category. Elores comprises a third generation cephalosporin, a beta lactamase inhibitor and a non- antibiotic adjuvant, disodium edetate, for intravenous administration. It contains the spread of resistance by countering the cell impermeability mechanism of multi-drug resistant bacterial strains, breaking bacterial biofilms and preventing transfer of resistant plasmids.