W-SCOPE KOREA CO., LTD. will conclude to MOU regarding "Agreement on joint development of ion exchange membranes for lithium production, etc." with POSCO Holdings at WSK 1st Factory. Here after, WSK will strengthen its cooperation in building a stable supply chain for ion exchange membranes (electrodialysis membranes) and related parts, which are core materials for POSCO HD's lithium hydroxide plant. After POSCO HD concludes this MOU, POSCO HD's affiliated companies will flesh out the volume by location, and will continue to cooperate with each affiliated company through long-term supply agreements that will be concluded individually.

This MOU also includes plans to expand the scope of cooperation to the development of materials and parts for recycling by-products generated from the manufacturing process of secondary battery materials. WSK has been developing ion-exchange membranes anticipating large market growth potential since 2013. Based on the accumulated know-how, from 2021 the two companies had begun joint development of environmentally friendly products that use ion exchange membranes (electrodalysis membranes) which are the core of the lithium hydroxide production process.

The product is scheduled to go into operation at POSCO HD affiliates' lithium production plants from 2024.