WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc. announced that it developed an AI-driven real-time spatial interaction perception system for interior design. The design industry has ushered in the era of personalized design, and the co-use of AI and VR technologies provides an unprecedented opportunity. Virtual reality (VR) technology has made remarkable progress in the past few years.

Its successful application in fields such as entertainment, training and healthcare has attracted widespread attention. In the field of interior design, VR technology can provide an immersive experience that enables users to feel the three-dimensional effects of design solutions in a virtual space. The mature application of this technology provides a solid technical foundation for the development of AI-based real-time spatially aware decorative design systems. AI provides more possibilities for personalized design, enabling designers to better understand users' preferences and needs and tailor unique design solutions for them.

Understanding different user preferences and needs through data analysis can be a valuable resource in interior design, and by analyzing and utilizing this information, AI technology can better support designers in their decision-making, making the design process more scientific and precise. Through advanced AI algorithms, WiMi's AI-driven real-time spatial interaction perception system for interior design realizes the perception enhancement of the virtual environment. Users are not only able to see virtual furniture, but also perceive elements such as walls and floors in the virtual space.

In order to realize real-time spatial perception, the WiMi's real-time spatial interaction perception system, not only focuses on the user's head and hand movements, but also provides all-around support for the user's walking and interacting with the VR glasses and special mobile VR handles. Users are no longer restricted to a fixed position, but are able to freely roam the virtual space and feel the three-dimensional changes in space. This innovation allows users to interact more freely with virtual furniture and interior decoration, truly realizing spatial immersion.

When the user is close to the trigger button, the button will be highlighted, and the user can operate through the handle to select different designs for the wall or floor. The application of this technology improves the user's perception and interactive experience of the entire virtual environment. WiMi's AI-driven real-time spatial interaction perception system for interior design consists of a data layer, business logic layer, representation layer, system function realization module, technical support and scalability.

Data layer: In the data layer, rich user information is assembled, including historical design preferences, color preferences, and furniture selection records. These data form the basis for AI algorithm training, enabling the system to provide personalized, deep learning-supported design suggestions for each user. Meanwhile, the decorative elements database contains detailed information on all types of design elements, from furniture to decorations, providing users with a basis for diverse choices.

The spatial structure data describes the structural information of the virtual space, ensuring that the interaction between the design elements and the space has a sense of reality. Business logic layer: AI-driven business logic analyzes user preference data through deep learning and machine learning algorithms to provide users with personalized design suggestions. This layer is responsible for managing the user's walking and interaction in the virtual space, realizing virtual roaming and real-time immersion through head rotation and handle operation.

The user interaction logic ensures a smooth and natural interaction experience between the user and the system, and improves the user's sense of engagement. Representation layer: The user interface provides an intuitive and friendly virtual interface, which presents the virtual space design effects in real-time, including furniture, color and light and shadow. The virtual roaming interface is based on VR technology, which enables the user to put his whole body into the virtual space, displaying the user's current position and the three-dimensional effect of virtual elements.

The visual sofa selection interface displays sofas of different styles and colors, supports real-time user selection and replacement, and provides detailed information to help users make informed design choices. System function realization module: The loading interface module is responsible for quickly loading various elements of the virtual space to ensure smooth operation when the system starts. The virtual tour module manages the user's movement in the virtual space, controlled by a special mobile VR handle, while the VR interaction module handles the user's interaction in the VR environment, ensuring that the user is able to easily select furniture, adjust the perspective, etc.

The VR interaction module is also responsible for the user's interaction with the VR system. Technical support and scalability: The technical support module provides technical support and troubleshooting functions for the system, while regularly updating and upgrading the AI model and VR engine to adapt to the continuous development of the technology. The scalability design adopts a weakly coupled system architecture and provides API interfaces to support integration with other design tools and data platforms, which provides support for future functional expansion and upgrading of the system.

WiMi's AI-driven real-time spatial interaction perception system for interior design marks a profound change in the interior design industry. By integrating advanced AI and virtual reality technologies, the system not only provides users with a personalized and immersive design experience, but also provides designers with smarter and more efficient tools. In the future, the system will continue to innovate to meet changing market demands and technology trends.

Keys to future development include the introduction of more design elements, enhancement of the system's learning capabilities, introduction of customized features, augmented reality technology, implementation of intelligent assistants and voice interactions, enhancement of data security and privacy protection, as well as continuous technology updates and user feedback. These innovations will make the system more flexible and intelligent, which will not only meet users' rising expectations for personalized design, but also drive the entire interior design industry towards digitalization and intelligence. Through these efforts, WiMi's AI-driven real-time spatial interaction perception system for interior design is expected to become a leader in the field of interior design, leading the industry to meet the new challenges and opportunities of the digital era.