Xtra Energy Corp. share the XRF results for mineralization intercepted from two individual ore samples obtained by exploration team during their last visit inside the upper adit of the Lofthouse Antimony Mine. The Lofthouse Antimony Mine as described by Lawrence, Edmond, in "Antimony Deposits of Nevada; nbmg bull.

61 "is situated on the west flank of the Clan Alpine Mountains in Dyer Canyon, 1.4 miles from its mouth. A small amount of antimony ore reportedly was mined during World War I. In 1940, two tons of ore averaging 30% antimony were produced. In 1948, 40 tons of ore averaging 50% antimony were shipped to the Harshaw Chemical Co.

in Los Angeles. The mine is developed by two adits each 100 feet long and a number of trenches. The veins are 2 to 30 inches wide; the main vein averages 10 inches in width.

Both veins are composed principally of quartz with minor calcite. Pods, veinlets, and single crystals of stibnite occur in and with the quartz.