E143894A_Yue Yuen 1..3

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裕 元 工 業( 集 )有 限 公 *

(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 00551)


The Board is pleased to announce that the SGM of the Company was duly held on November 27, 2014 during which all resolutions were duly passed by the Independent Shareholders by way of poll.
Reference is made to the announcement dated October 21, 2014 and the circular dated November 11, 2014 (the ''Circular'') of the Company in relation to the terms of the Continuing Connected Transactions and the Caps. Unless otherwise stated, capitalised terms used herein shall have the same meanings as defined in the Circular.
The Company is pleased to announce the voting results of the SGM held on November 27,
2014. Poll voting was demanded by the chairman of the SGM on all the ordinary resolutions proposed at the SGM and as set out in the notice of the SGM dated November 11, 2014. The vote-taking at the SGM was scrutinized by the Hong Kong branch share registrar of the Company, Tricor Secretaries Limited.
As at the date of the SGM, the Independent Shareholders holding a total of 709,462,653
Shares representing 43.03% of the total issued share capital of the Company, were entitled to attend and vote for or against the ordinary resolutions at the SGM.
In accordance with the Listing Rules, each of PCC, GBD, Godalming and Mr. Tsai and their respective Associates, being connected persons with a material interest in the Continuing Connected Transactions, holding in aggregate 939,465,833 Shares representing 56.97% of the total issued share capital of the Company, had abstained from voting on the resolutions at the SGM. Apart from these Shares, there were no Shares entitling any holder to abstain or vote only against any of the ordinary resolutions at the SGM.

* For identification purposes only

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The following resolutions were duly passed by the Independent Shareholders attending and voting at the SGM either in person or by proxy or by their duly authorised representatives by way of poll:

Poll Results in respect of the resolutions

Ordinary Resolutions

No. of Votes (approximate

% of total number of shares voted)

Poll Results in respect of the resolutions

Ordinary Resolutions

For Against

Resolution (A)

To approve, confirm and ratify the Fifth Supplemental PCC Management Service Agreement and the Caps and the transactions contemplated therein, and to authorize the directors of the Company to take all actions and execute all documents which they deem necessary, required or appropriate in order to implement and validate anything related to the Fifth Supplemental PCC Management Service Agreement.

467,594,815 (99.84%)

745,504 (0.16%)

Resolution (B)

To approve, confirm and ratify the Fifth Supplemental PCC Services Agreement and the Caps and the transactions contemplated therein, and to authorize the directors of the Company to take all actions and execute all documents which they deem necessary, required or appropriate in order to implement and validate anything related to the Fifth Supplemental PCC Services Agreement.

467,594,815 (99.84%)

745,504 (0.16%)

Resolution (C)

To approve, confirm and ratify the Fourth Supplemental PCC Connected Sales Agreement and the Caps and the transactions contemplated therein, and to authorize the directors of the Company to take all actions and execute all documents which they deem necessary, required or appropriate in order to implement and validate anything related to the Fourth Supplemental PCC Connected Sales Agreement.

467,594,815 (99.84%)

745,504 (0.16%)

Resolution (D)

To approve, confirm and ratify the Fourth Supplemental PCC Connected Purchases Agreement and the Caps and the transactions contemplated therein, and to authorize the directors of the Company to take all actions and execute all documents which they deem necessary, required or appropriate in order to implement and validate anything related to the Fourth Supplemental PCC Connected Purchases Agreement.

467,594,815 (99.84%)

745,504 (0.16%)

Resolution (E)

To approve, confirm and ratify the Fourth Supplemental Pou Yuen Lease Agreement and the Caps and the transactions contemplated therein, and to authorize the directors of the Company to take all actions and execute all documents which they deem necessary, required or appropriate in order to implement and validate anything related to the Fourth Supplemental Pou Yuen Lease Agreement.

467,594,815 (99.84%)

745,504 (0.16%)

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Poll Results in respect of the resolutions

Ordinary Resolutions

No. of Votes (approximate

% of total number of shares voted)

Poll Results in respect of the resolutions

Ordinary Resolutions

For Against

Resolution (F)

To approve, confirm and ratify the Fifth Supplemental GBD Management Service Agreement and the Caps and the transactions contemplated therein, and to authorize the directors of the Company to take all actions and execute all documents which they deem necessary, required or appropriate in order to implement and validate anything related to the Fifth Supplemental GBD Management Service Agreement.

467,594,815 (99.84%)

745,504 (0.16%)

Resolution (G)

To approve, confirm and ratify the Fifth Supplemental Godalming Tenancy Agreement and the Caps and the transactions contemplated therein, and to authorize the directors of the Company to take all actions and execute all documents which they deem necessary, required or appropriate in order to implement and validate anything related to the Fifth Supplemental Godalming Tenancy Agreement.

467,594,815 (99.84%)

745,504 (0.16%)

As more than half of the votes were cast in favour of each and every ordinary resolution set out above, each and every ordinary resolution of the SGM set out above was duly passed.
By Order of the Board
Yue Yuen Industrial (Holdings) Limited
Lu Chin Chu
Hong Kong, November 27, 2014
As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are: Executive Directors:
Mr. Lu Chin Chu (Chairman), Ms. Tsai Pei Chun, Patty (Managing Director), Mr. Kuo Tai Yu, Mr. Kung Sung Yen, Mr. Chan Lu Min, Mr. Li I Nan, Steve, Mr. Lee Shao Wu, Mr. Tsai Ming-Lun, Ming and Mr. George Hong-Chih Liu.
Independent Non-executive Directors:
Mr. Leung Yee Sik, Mr. Huang Ming Fu, Mr. Chu Li-Sheng, Ms. Yen Mun-Gie (also known as Teresa Yen) and Mr. Hsieh, Yung Hsiang (also known as Alfred Hsieh).
Website: www.yueyuen.com

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