The Startup Europe MOOCs project aims at Fostering Web Talent in Europe by encouraging the use of Massive Open Online Courses focused on web skills by establishing creation of a network of universities and business schools in Europe interested in developing MOOCs for web talent.

The concrete objectives are:
  • Make a precise mapping about the available MOOCs existing in Europe in the area of web developers.
  • A clear benefits analysis of MOOCs for developing web talent in Europe.
  • A roadmap of actions to increase the use of MOOCs for web talent in Europe.
  • The creation of a network of universities and business schools in Europe interested in developing MOOCs for web talent in Europe.
  • A roadmap of actions to ensure the MOOCs developed by the members of the network are incorporated in existing platforms, in a new MOOC platform, or in another way.

The results will be available during the organisation of an EU Conference on MOOCs for web talent as soon as the task will be completed.

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