Locator: Hualien, Taiwan

A quake already forced them to move once before, with their previous apartment damaged in 2018

(Linda Chen, Hualien resident)

"I thought no, we have already been shaken, we won't be so unlucky. It shouldn't be Hualien again, and it shouldn't be possible for the epicentre to be concentrated here all the time. No matter how I thought about it, I would never have thought that there would again be such a big earthquake, and it would still happen in Hualien... that was really unexpected."

The latest 7.2-magnitude earthquake has killed at least 10 people, sparing most of the city of Hualien

But for Chen, she now has to look for a new place to live as her apartment is severely damaged

"I don't want to look for such high apartments anymore, I just don't want to look for a tall building anymore, but for a house that can be structurally stable, and then this time also gave me a reminder, how to find apartment layouts that are not easily damaged in the event of an earthquake. I probably have some ideas now, I have some experience now."