(The text clarifies that the hardware was replaced last year)

KOBLENZ (dpa-AFX) - The software provider Compugroup, which specializes in medical practices and hospitals, generated less revenue in the first quarter due to a lack of a one-off effect. Sales fell by two percent to 284.6 million euros, as the SDax company announced in Koblenz on Wednesday. Last year, Compugroup had generated additional income from the change of connectors for the telematics infrastructure - this is now missing. Adjusted for this one-off effect, turnover increased organically by 3.4 percent. The operating result adjusted for special effects (EBITDA) rose by one percent to 60.7 million euros.

The Executive Board confirmed its targets for the year. Adjusted for special effects, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization are now expected to increase from 265 million euros in the previous year to between 270 and 310 million euros. Revenue is expected to climb by between four and six percent on its own, i.e. excluding exchange rate effects and acquisitions and disposals of business units./ngu/zb/mis