Aduro Clean Technologies Inc. announced the expansion of its Phase 1 testing scope with a major global energy company which recently joined the Company's Customer Engagement Program (CEP). This expansion follows the Company's previous announcement on October 11, 2023, and reflects the participant's growing interest in exploring the potential of Aduro's Hydrochemolytic?? technology.

Aduro is excited by the positive results that led to the project expansion but also by the potential to increase its broad understanding of diverse real-life waste feedstock. The additional testing will include a more diverse range of waste plastic materials, specifically targeting those with higher concentrations of PET, polyurethane, metals, and other challenging contaminants. This development indicates the participant's interest in assessing the broader capabilities of Aduro's technology.

The expanded scope will provide important data that will support the Company's development and scale-up program as well as increase the respective project funding committed for Phase 1 testing by 450%. The CEP enables interested organizations to conduct controlled technology evaluation sessions of the HydrochemolyticTM Technology. The program is structured to initially focus on benchmarking select materials provided by the customer in Phase 1, to evaluate the efficacy of the Company's technology.

This is typically followed by Phase 2, which involves larger-scale, continuous flow testing. This method enables a thorough assessment of Aduro's technology, creating a solid and informed basis for the next phase of the program. Simultaneously, it allows Aduro's teams to gain a deeper understanding of the customers' waste feedstock characteristics and to identify their precise requirements.