Aduro Clean Technologies Inc. announced their membership in the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) as part of their Plastics Division. The Aduro HydrochemolyticTM Technology offers a transformative chemical recycling solution that can process a wider range of plastics that are currently ending up in landfills thereby converting a higher volume of low-value waste plastics into valuable resources. The Company is eager to work with potential collaborators who share its vision of a sustainable future and can help expand the reach of its technology to bring more plastics into the circular economy.

The CIAC Plastics Division and its 70 members consisting of leaders in the plastic industry have committed to 100% of plastic packaging being recyclable by 2030 and being reused or recycled by the year 2040. These commitments by Canada's leading plastic companies, involved in every step of the plastic production process, are major drivers for the increasing demand for advanced chemical recycling solutions. As a member, Aduro brings expertise in advanced chemical recycling innovation and technology advancement, which is crucial to achieving the Division's goals.