BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc. announced two senior management appointments. Netta Blondheim Shraga, PhD has been appointed as VP, Research & Development, and Antal Pearl-Lendner, Adv. has been appointed to the newly created position of Chief Legal Counsel. Both will report directly to Chaim Lebovits, CEO.

Antal Pearl-Lendner, Adv. is an experienced bilingual attorney with a proven track record in legal and business development capacities. Prior to joining Brainstorm, Ms. Pearl-Lendner spent 8 years at Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank in Israel where her responsibilities included spearheading bank-wide complex projects, negotiating large scale international contracts and providing ongoing advice regarding the international activities of the bank.  Before her tenure at the bank, she worked at GE Capital in Chicago and Connecticut, USA, where she served in GE's premier commercial leadership program, working in business development, strategy & analytics.  Earlier in her career, Ms. Pearl-Lendner was an Associate Attorney in the international department of Caspi & Co. Advocates & Notaries in Tel Aviv, Israel.

In this role she represented clients in M&A transactions and led due diligence processes for investments ranging from $5 million to $350 million.