Critical Metals Plc confirm the commencement of groundworks for the rehabilitation of a 17 mile/28 kilometre public road leading to the flagship Molulu Project ('Molulu' or the 'Project'), an ex-producing copper cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo ('DRC'). The Company has also appointed a DRC-based contractor, DRC GREEN, to update the Company's Environmental Impact Study ('EIS') and Environmental Management Plan ('EMP') at Molulu as part of its ESG commitments. The contractor has arrived at the Molulu project and has begun collecting the new information for updating the reports.

The planned road upgrades will ensure Project infrastructure is able to support increased traffic and the effect of the rainy season as the Company focusses onrecommencing production at Molulu and resuming sales of stockpiled copper ore. The improved infrastructure will also benefit the surrounding community as part of the Company's ongoing ESG commitments. The Company has been advised by the road contractor that the works may take between 60 and 90 days.

Photos and videos documenting progress will be shared on the Company's social media channels in due course.