Digimarc Corporation and DataTrails Inc. announced a partnership to deliver the industry's first fully integrated content protection solution to fortify digital content using advanced digital watermarks in tandem with cryptographic proofs, or fingerprints. Combined with provenance metadata, these technologies create a powerful, multi-layered toolset to provide proof of digital content authenticity -- protecting content creators, businesses, and consumers from the threat of fake data and misinformation. One increasingly important leg of the organization's mission is ensuring the transparency of synthetic and non-synthetic media in an era of GenAI.

PAI's Framework identifies common technical methods for conveying whether a digital asset is AI-generated or AI-modified, based on information about the digital content's origin or provenance. Partnering to Deliver a Multi-layered Solution: Creating an immutable audit trail to track the provenance of digital assets in a tamper-evident distributed ledger ensures content creators and businesses can prove content ownership and authenticity while allowing content consumers to detect fake data. DataTrails' transparency and explainability platform supports trusted data distribution, and resolves contested data authenticity scenarios.

Specifically, the DataTrails platform applies cryptographic proofs to trace digital content, providing transparent proof of who did what and when. Digimarc digital watermark add another layer of digital asset protection communicating content provenance, authenticity, and copyright information about synthetic and non-synt synthetic digital assets in a way that is both secure and bound to the asset itself. An imperceptible digital watermark embedded in an image, video, or audio track creates a more persistent link between the asset and its manifest and helps recover it should it become detached.