DigitalOcean Holdings, Inc. announced virtualized availability of NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs on its Paperspace platform. Paperspace, a leading provider of cloud infrastructure for highly scalable GPU-accelerated applications, now offers access to one of the market?s most powerful GPUs. This provides startups and growing digital businesses with infrastructure crucial for developing the next generation of artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) applications.

Through this offering and other recent enhancements, DigitalOcean continues to simplify cloud computing and provide an affordable, end-to-end solution for developing, deploying, and scaling AI models. The surge in interest for accelerated AI computing from businesses looking to elevate their capabilities in AI/ML has fueled the demand for NVIDIA H100 GPUs. With their exceptional performance, these accelerators significantly reduce training iteration periods and model inference response times, making them ideal for running workloads such as large-scale AI model training as well as high-performance computing (HPC).

NVIDIA H100 GPUs can be accessed on demand or reserved for a specific term limit, allowing customers to select the most cost-effective consumption model for their business needs. Customers can access these NVIDIA H100 GPUs as individual machines or as clusters, providing versatility for use cases ranging from multi-node model training to complex inferencing services. DigitalOcean has also made significant improvements to the underlying network infrastructure, now offering interconnect speeds of 3.2TBps to enable optimal performance for users operating one or more of these eight-chip configurations.

In addition to providing computing power, DigitalOcean is dedicated to ensuring AI/ML businesses have a seamless experience deploying their models into production through gradient deployments. These updates make it easier than ever for Paperspace platform users to deploy and scale modern AI applications, including: Simplified and more flexible container registry experience: The container registry experience has been redesigned, making it easier for fast-moving businesses to start off with a successful deployment. Users can now quickly link to popular container registries with streamlined container validation and management.

Enhanced security for deployment endpoints: When creating a gradient deployment, customers can keep endpoints public or switch them to secure with the ability to manage permissions. These fortified deployment endpoints for Paperspace provide enhanced security, allowing for better control access.