H & D Wireless AB, has entered into a 12-month agreement with Scania for IoT services. Since June 2017, H & D Wireless has pilot installations at Scania Smart Factory, where new systems for factory digitization are evaluated. Now the collaboration advances into a new phase where H & D Wireless will deliver Raven IoT Sensor BOX827 solution as a product with associated NB-IoT cellular service to Scania's factory in Södertälje. Scania has thousands of material handling equipment in the entire factory area. With Raven IoT sensor BOX827 from H & D Wireless, Scania can now measure the real use per each lifting machine. This allows the service organization to greatly reduce costs, as they only need to inspect machines that have reached the appropriate threshold of operating hours before carrying out maintenance service. The lifting gear usage is monitored and presented with the help of Griffin Visualizer. The deployment of BOX827 is enormously facilitated by use of the new NB-IoT cellular standard, which does not require any additional installation of infrastructure at Scania factory for communication with the IoT sensor. The length of current contract is 12 months with the possibility of annual extension thereafter. Starting with an initial order under SEK 50,000 for the first batch of sensors the number is expected to increase gradually over time.